Critical and Creative Thinking Workshops and Seminar
The following workshops can be offered individually in time spans of 60, 75, and 90 minutes. Workshops can also be combined for half-day, full-day, and longer seminars.
- Parallel Thinking: Six Thinking Hats
It’s hard to imagine anyone saying that thinking isn’t one of the most important of human capacities. Without doubt we can all benefit from strategies to improve our thinking. Often, though, we don’t know where to go for practical guidance in developing our thinking capacities. One proven method is the parallel thinking approach developed by Dr. Edward de Bono. Best known as the “six thinking hats,” parallel thinking provides an alternative to the binary, adversarial kind of “I’m Right, You’re Wrong”! thinking so prevalent in our lives. The parallel thinking, six hat thinking tool can be used by students and teachers, parents and school administrators. de Bono’s Thinking Hats approach to parallel thinking is used in hundreds of corporations worldwide and has been piloted in schools in the US, China, India, Singapore, and South Africa. Our workshop introduces this proven method designed to make your thinking more comprehensive, more efficient, more effective, and a lot more enjoyable.
- Lateral Thinking Strategies
The term “lateral thinking” was coined by Edward deBono in 1970 when he published a book with that title. Lateral thinking involves generating new ideas; it breaks us out of thinking constraints and entrenched thinking patterns. deBono argues that lateral thinking is a necessary complement to vertical thinking. Unlike vertical thinking, which is selective and sequential, lateral thinking embraces a wider range of possibilities while permitting, as well, skips and gaps as thinking progresses in unpredictable directions. This interactive workshop will introduce deBono’s lateral thinking tools: focus, challenge, and random entry. Participants will engage in an extended lateral thinking exercise using random entry.
- Perception Broadening Thinking Tools
The way we see the world, our perception of it, determines our decisions and influences our actions. Perception, in short, is critical for thinking, and is among its most important aspects. Broadening our perception, thus, us is necessary for developing our critical and creative thinking capacities. Edward de Bono’s tools for improving our perception offer a kind of “software for the brain.” Used in schools and businesses worldwide, deBono’s perception tools are designed to sharpen your perception and enable your thinking to become more comprehensive, effective, and efficient. Easy to learn and apply, deBono’s perception thinking tools can improve how you make decisions. In this interactive workshop we will explore two of de Bono’s ten perception broadening thinking tools: PMI (plus, minus, interesting), and OPV (other people’s views).
- Critical and Creative Thinking Combined
Most college teachers hope to engage their students in thinking critically, and sometimes creatively, in response to assignments, activities, projects and other designed learning tasks in their courses. These goals, however, are not always easily accomplished, especially when teaching remotely. This workshop invites participants to identify successful teaching practices that help students develop and demonstrate their ability to think critically and creatively. Participants can expect to come away with practical applications for fostering higher order thinking in both on-site and remote teaching environments.
- One hundred + workshops on pedagogy for the NYU educational community. More than a dozen topics including Syllabus and Course Design, Discussion-based Teaching, Writing to Learn, Making Learning Last, Assessment and Grading. April 2014-April 2019.
- Critical and Creative Thinking. A five-day seminar for faculty who teach at institutions belonging to the Faculty Resource Network. New York University. June 9-13, 2019.
- What is Critical Reading? Workshop at Eastern Connecticut State University. October 23, 2018.
- Critical Reading and Critical Thinking. A five-day seminar for faculty from the NYU Faculty Resource Network. San Juan Puerto Rico. January 9-13, 2016.
- Reading Rhetorically: An Approach to Critical Reading. Xavier High School. December 8, 2015.
- Making it Stick: Strategies for Effective Teaching and Learning. English Language Schools Association (ELSA), Paris, France. March 18, 2015.
- Ethical Thinking: Challenges and Dilemmas. English Language Schools Association (ELSA), Paris, France. March 18, 2015.
- Formulating Creative Questions for the OIB Literature Examination. Lycée Rochembau. Washington DC. January 21, 2015.
- Best Practices in College Teaching. Seminar for new faculty from NYU Shanghai. New York University, Washington Square. October 20-24, 2014.
- Teaching Critical and Creative Thinking. Saint Michael’s University School, Victoria BC, October 6, 2014.
- Ethical Thinking. Saint Michael’s University School, Victoria BC, October 7, 2014.
- Thinking Through Literature. AP Annual Conference, Philadelphia, July 12, 2014.
- Reading Novel Openings. AP Annual Conference, Philadelphia, July 10, 2014.
- Fostering Critical and Creative Thinking. NYU College of Dentistry, May 12, 2014.
- Teaching the Essays of George Orwell. AP Conference, Toronto, Canada, April 5, 2014.
- Analyzing Texts, Analyzing Images. English Language Schools Association (ELSA), Paris, France. March 28, 2014.
- Practicing Critical and Creative Thinking. NYU Faculty Resource Network Symposium, Miami, FL, November 22, 2013.
- Getting Students Thinking: Possibilities and Provocations. New York University, Department of Media, Culture and Communication, Steinhardt School of Education, September 10, 2013.
- An Approach to Teaching Literature. Trinity Christian School, Port Hope, Canada, August 29, 2012.
- Seminar on Critical and Creative Thinking for College and University Faculty, co-presented with John Chaffee. NYU Faculty Resource Network, New York City, June 11-15, 2012.
- Critical and Creative Thinking in Practice, Keynote Address and Workshop. Pace University, Dyson College Conference, White Plains, NY, April 13, 2012.
- An Approach to Critical and Creative Thinking. Morristown Beard School Professional Development Day, April 9, 2012.
- An Approach to Teaching Poetry. AP Conference, Toronto, March 31, 2012.
- Why We Need Critical and Creative Thinking, Keynote Address. Scarsdale and Independent Schools Joint Conference, April 30, 2011.
- Writing the Essay: An Introduction to the NYU Expository Writing Program. AP Conference, Toronto, April 9, 2011.
- Six Thinking Hats: An Approach to Critical and Creative Thinking. Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute, Toronto, April 8, 2011
- Edward de Bono’s Lateral Thinking: An Introduction. English Language Schools Association (ELSA) Conference, Paris, March 23, 2011.
- How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci. Central and Eastern European Schools Association (CEESA) Conference, Budapest, March 18, 2011.
- Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning: What It Is and How To Do It. Advanced Placement Conference, Winnipeg Canada, October 10, 2010.
- The Poetry of Epiphany: Poems of Surprise and Wonder. Advanced Placement Annual Conference, Washington, DC, July 16-19, 2010. .
- Literature: What to Teach, How to Teach It, and Why. Pasadena School District, Pasadena (Houston) Texas, January 2010.
- Parables as Provocations. Talk to high school students, faculty, and administration. Chapel Talks Series, Westminster School, Simsbury, CT, October 2009.
- An Approach to Teaching Nonfiction. Workshop for AP teachers. Toronto, April 2009.
- Developing Thinking Skills. Workshop for international schools heads, Mediterranean Association of International Schools, Madrid, April 2009.
- Engaging Students through Poetry. English Language Schools Association, Paris, March 2009.
- Critical and Creative Thinking Across the Media. Five-day seminar for college and university faculty, jointly led with William Costanzo. NYU Faculty Resource Network, June 9-13, 2008.
- Teaching Critical Thinking through Ethical Dilemmas. Central and Eastern European Schools Association (CEESA) Teachers Conference. Bucharest, March 2008.
- An Approach to Teaching Drama. AP Annual Conference, Las Vegas, July 2007.
- An Approach to Teaching Fiction. AP Annual Conference. Orlando, July 2006.
- Thinking Critically About Images. Advanced Placement Annual Conference. Orlando, July 2006.
- Poetry: What to Teach, How to Teach It, and Why. AP Conference, Toronto, April 2006.
- Thinking (and Teaching) with and through Parables. Alliance for International Education Conference. Dusseldorf, October 2004.
- Teaching Critical Thinking through Literature. ELSA Teachers Conference. Paris, March 2004.
- Teaching the Poems of Billy Collins. European Council of International Schools Conference. Hamburg, November 2003.
- Teaching the Exploratory Essay. ELSA Conference of French Teachers of English. Paris, March 2003.
- Teaching the Poetry of Emily Dickinson. European Council of International Schools Conference. Berlin, November 2002.
- Teaching the Poetry of Seamus Heaney. European Council of International Schools Annual Conference. The Hague, November 2001.
- Art and Literature: The Renaissance. Four joint lectures with Janetta Benton. The Metropolitan Museum of Art Concerts and Lectures, January 2001.
- Teaching the Poetry of Robert Frost. European Council of International Schools Conference. Nice, France, November 2000.
- Romanticism in the Classroom: Interdisciplinary Approaches. European Council of International Schools Conference. Nice, November 2000.
- Making Connections: Writing, Music, and Dance: Composing and Performing. NCTE and NATE Conference on Global Literacy. Utrecht, August 2000.
- Interdisciplinary Teaching: Literature in the Context of Art and Music: Modernism Near East South Asia Council of Overseas Schools. Bangkok, March 2000.
- Art and Literature: One Thousand Years. Four joint lectures with Janetta Benton. The Metropolitan Museum of Art Concerts and Lectures, January 2000.
- Teaching Shakespeare’s Sonnets. European Council of International Schools. Nice, Nov. 1999.
- Writing Progressions: Creating Sequenced Writing Assignments. European Council of International Schools. Nice, November 1999.
- Discourse Analysis: Reading Non-fiction. University of Madrid Complutense, November 1997.
- Working with Visual Texts in a Writing Course. Brigham Young University, August 1997.
- English Literature Workshop for AP Teachers of English. University of Heidelberg, 8/1987.
- Some Connections Between Ancient Chinese Poetry and Modern American Poetry. Conference on Science and the Arts. Beijing 1997.
- Teaching Grammar in the Context of Writing. Florida Atlantic University. March 1996.
- Transfiguring the Personal into the Academic: Writing Progressions. Southeast English Conference of Two-year Colleges. Atlanta, January 1996.
- On Language and Writing: The Power of Connotation. Armstrong State College, October 1995.
- Writing About Art: Working with Vincent van Gogh's Starry Night. Southeast English Conference of Two-year Colleges. Jacksonville, February 1995.
- Teaching Poetry. DeKalb Community College. September 1994.
- The Practice of Teaching: Defamiliarizing the Classroom. Valencia Community College. February 1994.
- Teaching Literature and the Arts. Florida International University. February 1994.
- On Interpretation. Pace University Weekend Seminar. October 1992.
- The Experience of Reading: Wolfgang Iser's Theory and Practice. Conference on College Composition and Communication. March 1992.
- An Approach to Learning: Response, Interpretation, and Evaluation in Interdisciplinary: Contexts. Conference on Post-Secondary Pedagogy. March 1991.
- The Reader-Response Criticism of Louise Rosenblatt and David Bleich. Conference on College Composition and Communication, March 1991.
- Metaphors of Reading. University of New Hampshire, October 1990.
- Is There a Truth About the Text? Mercy College, April 1990.
- The Essay as Conversation. College Composition and Communication, March 1990.
- Fictitious Facts in the Essays of Richard Selzer. Conference on College Composition and Communication, March 1988.
- Asking Questions About Texts. Virginia Commonwealth University, April 1987.
- Richard Lanham and the Teaching of Writing. Conference on College Composition and Communication, March 1985.
- Science Fiction and Literary Art: LeGuin's The Left Hand of Darkness. Northeast Modern Language Association Annual Meeting, April 1983.
- Reading into Writing. National Council of Teachers of English Fall Conference, November 1982.
- Wordsworth and the Teaching of Writing. Conference on College Composition and Communication, March 1982.
- Lateral Thinking as an Aid to Invention. 4 Cs Conference on College, March 1981.
- Aids to Invention: Synectics and Conceptual Blockbusting. Mid-Hudson Modern Language Association Annual Meeting. November 1979.
- Writing and Seeing: Perception and Some Implications for Composition. Conference on College Composition and Communication, March 1978.
—Michael Hogan, Emeritus Humanities Chair, American School Foundation of Guadalajara. Author of Teaching from the Heart
—Marla Wolf, New York University, Graduate School of Art and Science
—Todd Cherches, adjunct professor of leadership at NYU and Columbia University, and author of VisuaLeadership: Leveraging the Power of Visual Thinking in Leadership and in Life
—William V. Costanzo, SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor, and author of World Cinema Through Global Genres; When the World Laughs: Film Comedy East and West
—Trevor Packer, Senior Vice President, AP Program, The College Board
We were supremely fortunate to have Bob DiYanni present at our ELSA France Teacher Development Days in Paris for those teaching native-standard English in bilingual, and international schools, and French schools with English-language sections. Enthusiastic participants flocked to his warm, lively, engaging sessions. We marvelled at the range of topics he presented, from critical reading and thinking, through rhetoric and composition, and across literary genres, a spectrum of authors and more. We admired his wisdom, enjoyed his wit and humor, learned from his practical suggestions for engaging students to make their learning stick. His teaching of what to teach, how to teach, and why is a wonder.
—Nancy Willard-Magaud, Emeritus Inspectrice Générale Déléguée, American Option, French Baccalauréat, Special consultant, ELSA France ( English-Language Schools Association, France), Emeritus Director, American Section, Lycée International, St. Germain-en-Laye, France
A Sampling of My Valued Clients
I’m proud to have worked with such a wide range of incredible organizations, across the country and around the globe. Following is a list of them (in alphabetical order).
List of Valued Clients
Alliance for International Education
Advanced Placement Program, US
Advanced Placement Program, Canada
American International School, Dubai
American Overseas School of Rome
Armstrong State College
Association of American Colleges and Universities
Bedford NY, Public Library
Beijing Foreign Studies University
Brigham Young University
Central and Eastern European Schools Association
City University of New York
Conference on College Communication and Composition
DeKalb Community College
Department of Defense Dependents Schools (DoDDS)
Eastern Connecticut State University
English Language Schools Association, France
European Council of International Schools
Florida Atlantic University
Florida International University
G • H
Houston, Texas Public Schools
I • J • K • L
Lycée Francais de New York, NYC
Lycée Rochambeau, Washington DC
Lycée St. Germain en Laye, France
Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute, Toronto, Canada
Mediterranean Association of International Schools
Mercy College
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Modern Language Association
Morristown Beard School
National Association of Independent Schools
National Association of Teachers of English
National Council of Teachers of English
New York School for the Deaf (Fanwood), White Plains, NY
Near East South Asia Council of Overseas Schools
New York University, College of Arts and Science
NYU College of Dentistry
NYU Faculty Resource Network
NYU School of Professional Studies
NYU Steinhardt School of Education
NYU Tandon School of Engineering
Office of Overseas Schools, US Department of State
Pace University, College of Arts and Sciences
Pasadena School District, Pasadena, TX
Pound Ridge, NY Public Library
Q • R • S
Saint Michael’s University School, Victoria BC, Canada
St. Joseph’s College, Long Island NY
Scarsdale Public Schools, Scarsdale, NY
Southeast English Conference of Two-Year Colleges
Trinity College School, Port Hope, Canada
Union College
University of Guadalajara
University of Madrid Complutense
University of North Caroline, Chapel Hill
University of New Hampshire
Valencia Community College
Virginia Commonwealth University
Westminster School, Simsbury, CT
X • Y • Z
Xavier High School, NYC
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